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Persephone: Life before marrying Hades

Persephone: Life before marrying Hades


In this Peresphone set, I am telling the story of Persephone’s life through two pairs of earrings. This pair shows Persephone before marrying Hades, and the second pair portrays Persephone after marrying Hades. Let me explain...

Persephone is the daughter of Demeter, the goddess of harvest. Persephone is known as the goddess of eternal spring; for that reason the these Persephone earrings (gold and purple) symbolize spring through bountiful flowers and butterflies.

One day when Persephone was picking flowers, Hades saw her. Overtaken by her beauty, he knew he wanted to marry her. However, Demeter would not allow this marriage. So, the next day when Persephone was picking flowers, Hades kidnapped her and took her to the underworld.

Demeter became depressed because of her daughters disappearance. Because of this, the crops died off and there was no harvest that year. Zeus made a deal with Hades which allowed Persephone to be with her mother for 6 months out of the year. Thus, the four season were created.

During spring and summer, Persephone was with her mother. When Persephone would leave her mother to be with Hades, Demeter would become depressed once more bringing about fall and winter.

Which brings me to my “Life after marrying Hades earrings” (black and iridescent white) The ghostly white flowers and butterflies symbolize her new status as Queen of the underworld and a cold winter raging above.

- 18k Gold plating, brass 

- Hypoallergenic and Nickel free

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